
同期出来ているパターン [#o6bf2c56]

 $ chronyc tracking
 Reference ID    :
 Stratum         : 2
 Ref time (UTC)  : Fri Jul  8 03:25:24 2016
 System time     : 0.000037775 seconds fast of NTP time
 Last offset     : +0.000094745 seconds
 RMS offset      : 0.000035295 seconds
 Frequency       : 0.008 ppm fast
 Residual freq   : +0.012 ppm
 Skew            : 0.012 ppm
 Root delay      : 0.002210 seconds
 Root dispersion : 0.000309 seconds
 Update interval : 1024.2 seconds
 Leap status     : Normal
 $ chronyc sources
 210 Number of sources = 4
 MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
 ^*          2  10   377   784   -308us[ -213us] +/-   64ms
 ^-          2  10   377   556   -462us[ -462us] +/-   82ms
 ^-          2  10   377   292  -1293us[-1293us] +/-  122ms

同期できてないパターン [#ne20b377]

 $ chronyc tracking
 Reference ID    : ()
 Stratum         : 0
 Ref time (UTC)  : Thu Jan  1 00:00:00 1970
 System time     : 0.000000064 seconds fast of NTP time
 Last offset     : +0.000000000 seconds
 RMS offset      : 0.000000000 seconds
 Frequency       : 3.835 ppm fast
 Residual freq   : +0.000 ppm
 Skew            : 0.000 ppm
 Root delay      : 0.000000 seconds
 Root dispersion : 0.000000 seconds
 Update interval : 0.0 seconds
 Leap status     : Not synchronised
 $ chronyc sources
 210 Number of sources = 4
 MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
 ^?          0  10     0   10y     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns
 ^?          0  10     0   10y     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns
 ^?          0  10     0   10y     +0ns[   +0ns] +/-    0ns

強制同期 [#zb5b26f3]

 $ sudo chronyc -a makestep
 200 OK
 200 OK
 ntpdateコマンドがある場合は、ntpdate NTPサーバーのアドレス でもOK