
*環境 [#u0b9862f]
**Mac [#f7bc3d48]
-MacOS 10.11
-Vagrant 1.8.1
-Virtual Box バージョン 5.0.14 
**VM [#hd4fa423]
-puppet 3.1.1

*説明 [#td460121]
-Vagrant固有の箇所については省略してます。※vagrant up,halt,destroyなど

*第3章 Vagrantで開発環境を用意する [#z273b244]
 $ mkdir ~/Github;cd ~/Github
 $ git clone git://github.cim/kentaro/puppet-book-support.git
 $ cd puppet-book-support
 $ vagrant up
 $ vagrant ssh <-- sshログインできることを確認して、ログアウト
 $ vagrant ssh-config --host pptest1 >> ~/.ssh/config  <-- ssh pptest1 でSSH出来るようになる。※pptest1の箇所は何でもOK

*第4章 Hello, Puppet! [#m940683c]
**Hello World!デプロイする [#p57f7294]
 $ vagrant ssh

 $ puppet --version
 $ cd /vagrant/puppet-book-support/puppet/hello_puppet
 $ puppet apply hello_world.pp
 Notice: Scope(Class[main]): Hello, World!
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds 
**zshをインストール [#zb9108a3]
 $ cd /vagrant/puppet-book-support/puppet/hello_puppet
 $ sudo puppet apply zsh.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[zsh]/ensure: created
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 19.85 seconds
 $ which zsh

**gemでPuppetをインストールする場合 [#zc00d047]
 $ vagrant ssh

 $ which ruby
 /usr/bin/which: no ruby
 $ su -
 # yum install ruby rubygems
 # which ruby
 # ruby version
 ruby 1.8.7
 # which gem
 # gem --version
 # gem install puppet --no-rdoc --no-ri
 Successfully installed facter-2.4.6
 Successfully installed json_pure-1.8.3
 Successfully installed hiera-3.0.6
 Successfully installed puppet-4.3.2
 4 gems installed
 # gem list --local | grep puppet
 puppet (4.3.2)

*第5章 nginxのmanifestを書く [#n9a9a66a]
 $ cd /vagrant/puppet
 $ mkdir nginx_original
 $ cd nginx_original
 $ vim nginx_original
 yumrepo { 'nginx':
  descr => 'nginx yum repository',
  baseurl => 'http://nginx.org/packages/rhel/$releasever/$basearch/',
  enabled => '1',
  gpgcheck => 0,
 package { 'nginx':
  ensure => installed,
  require => Yumrepo['nginx'],
 $port = 80
 file { '/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf':
  ensure => present,
  owner => 'root',
  group => 'root',
  mode => '0644',
  content => template('my.conf'),
  require => Package['nginx'],
  notify => Service['nginx'],
 $target = 'Puppet'
 file { '/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html':
  ensure => present,
  owner => 'root',
  group => 'root',
  mode => '0644',
  content => template('index.html'),
  require => Package['nginx'],
 service { 'nginx':
  enable => true,
  ensure => running,
  hasrestart => true,
  require => File['/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf'],
 $ mkdir template
 $ vim index.html
 Hello <%= target %>
 $ vim my.conf
 server {
  listen <%=port %>;
  server_name localhost;
  location / {
    root /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html;
 $ cd ../
 $ sudo puppet apply --templatedir=template/ nginx.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Yumrepo[nginx]/descr: descr changed '' to 'nginx yum repository'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Yumrepo[nginx]/baseurl: baseurl changed '' to 'http://nginx.org/packages/rhel/$releasever/$basearch/'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Yumrepo[nginx]/enabled: enabled changed '' to '1'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Yumrepo[nginx]/gpgcheck: gpgcheck changed '' to '0'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Package[nginx]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html]/content: content changed '{md5}e3eb0a1df437f3f97a64aca5952c8ea0' to '{md5}58e958909fda3cd0f1a86ac8b0ba25b4'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Service[nginx]/ensure: ensure changed 'stopped' to 'running'
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Service[nginx]: Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 17.01 seconds
 $ curl http://localhost/
 Hello Puppet

***dependency relationshipについて [#o222eee2]
--依存関係有り→require => Yumrepo['nginx'],
--依存関係有り→require => Package['nginx'],  notify => Service['nginx'],
--依存関係有り→require => Package['nginx'],

*第6章 パッケージをインストールする [#fe49c930]
**パターン1 [#s0f09e58]
 $ vim package.pp
 package {'zsh':
   ensure => installed,

**パターン2 [#q956cc26]
 package {
    ensure => installed,

**パターン3 [#vfd5007f]
 $packages = [
 package {$packages:
   ensure => installed,

*第7章 yumリポジトリを登録する [#kc9fab3b]
 yumrepo { 'nginx':
   descr => 'nginx yum repository',
   baseurl => 'http://nginx.org/packages/centos/6/$basearch/',
   enabled => 1,
   gpgcheck => 0,

*第8章 サービスを起動する [#u50e3343]
**パターン1 > 特定のファイルに変更があったら、nginxが再起動する [#n49124e3]
 service { 'nginx':
   ensure => running,
   enable => true,
   hasrestart => true,
   require => File['/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf'],
   subscribe => File['/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf'],

*パターン2 > ファイルが置かれたらservice nginxに通知 > nginxが再起動する [#n0868cad]
 service { 'nginx':
   ensure => running,
   enable => trure,
   hasrestart => true,
   require => File['/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf'],
 file {'/etc/nginx/conf.d/my.conf':
   ensure => present,
   owner => 'root',
   group =>  'root',
   mode  =>  '0644',
   content => template('my.conf'),
   require => Package['nginx'],
   notify  =>  Service['nginx'],

*第9章 ファイルやディレクトリを作成する [#ta750f35]
**パターン1(ファイルの作成) [#q9280eaa]
 $ vim test.pp
 file {'/tmp/hello_puppet.txt':
   content => "Hello,Puppet!!¥n",
 $ puppet apply test.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/hello_puppet.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}a6010e5381b0fcaae7b38e67e446775d'
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds
 $ cat /tmp/hello_puppet.txt
**パターン2(ファイルの作成,オリジナル) [#n5193d9e]
 $ mkdir template
 $ vim template/resolv.conf
 $ vim resolv.pp
 file {'/etc/resolv.conf':
   ensure => present,
   owner  => root,
   group  => root,
   mode   => 0644,
   content => template('resolv.conf'),
 $ sudo puppet apply resolv.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/etc/resolv.conf]/content: content changed '{md5}1ebb0185f2893f6ff73e29a7bee53e2d' to  '{md5}c7ea09d26e26605227076e0514a33038'
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds
 $ cat /etc/resolv.conf

**パターン3(ファイルの作成,変数) [#w825cb1a]
 $ vim test.pp
 $content = "Hello,Puppet!!"
 file {'/tmp/hello_puppet_template.txt':
  content => template("hello_puppet_template.erb"),
 $ vim template/hello_puppet_template.erb
 <%= content %>
 $ sudo puppet apply test.pp --templatedir=template/
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/hello_puppet_template.txt]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}a6010e5381b0fcaae7b38e67e446775d'
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds

**パターン1(ディレクトリの作成)※下記方法だと再帰的にディレクトリを作成できないので注意 [#mdc1ba23]
 $ vim test.pp
 file {'/tmp/hello_puppet/':
   ensure => directory,
   owner  => 'root',
   group   => 'root',
   mode    => '0755',
 $ sudo puppet apply test.pp    <= rootの所有者,グループにするのでsudoが必要
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/hello_puppet]/ensure: created
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds 
 $ ls -l /tmp/
 drwxr-xr-x 2 root    root    4096  3月 18 00:52 2016 hello_puppet

**パターン1(シンボリックリンクの作成) [#f4e7d921]
 $ vim test.pp
 file {'/tmp/hoge':
  ensure => link,
  target => '/etc/hosts',
  owner  => 'root',
  group  => 'root',
  mode   => '0644',
 $ sudo puppet apply test.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//File[/tmp/hoge]/ensure: created
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.03 seconds
 $ ls -l /tmp
 lrwxrwxrwx 1 root    root      10  3月 18 01:10 2016 hoge -> /etc/hosts

*第10章 ユーザやグループを作成する [#s4fd0cf3]
**ユーザーの作成 [#c3b9edaf]
 $ vim user.pp
 user {'testuser':
 ensure  =>  present,
 comment =>  'testuser',
 home    =>  '/home/testuser',
 managehome => true,
 shell   =>  '/bin/zsh',
 managehome をtrueにすることで、ensureがpresentの際はホームディレクトリを作成し、ensureがabsentの時はホームディレクトリを削除する
 $ sudo puppet apply user.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//User[testuser]/ensure: created
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.10 seconds
 $ ls -l /home/
 drwx------  2 testuser testuser 4096  3月 20 04:08 2016 testuser

**グループの作成 [#zdfa7fd7]
 $ vim group.pp
 group {'developers':
  ensure => present,
  gid    => 999,
 $ sudo puppet apply group.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Group[developers]/ensure: created
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.07 seconds
 $ sudo cat /etc/group | grep developers

**ユーザーとグループを作成して、指定したグループに所属させる [#z3fbdac7]
 $ vim user.pp
 user {'testuser':
 ensure  =>  present,
 gid     =>  'guest',
 comment =>  'testuser',
 home    =>  '/home/testuser',
 managehome => true,
 shell   =>  '/bin/zsh',
 group {'guest':
   ensure  =>  present,
   gid     =>  1000,
 $ sudo puppet apply user.pp
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Group[guest]/ensure: created
 Notice: /Stage[main]//User[testuser]/gid: gid changed '503' to 'guest'
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.10 seconds

*第11章 任意のコマンドを実行する -exec [#cf89d88e]
**execコマンドでファイルを作成 [#ld6c1dcc]
 $ vim test.pp
 exec { "touch test.txt":
  user => 'vagrant',
  cwd  => '/tmp',
  path => ['/bin','/usr/bin'],
  creates => '/tmp/test.txt',
 cwd → このパスで実行する
 path → pathを指定しないとコマンドが実行できない
 creates → 冪等性を保つために指定する。これがあると再実行した際にtouchコマンドは実行されない。
 $ sudo puppet apply test.pp    <--sudoを付けないと特定ユーザーとしてのコマンドは実行できないというエラーが表示される。
 Notice: /Stage[main]//Exec[touch test.txt]/returns: executed successfully
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.09 seconds
 $ ls -l /tmp/
 -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant    0  3月 23 00:36 2016 test.txt
 $ sudo puppet apply test.pp
 Notice: Finished catalog run in 0.02 seconds
 $ ls -l /tmp/
 -rw-r--r-- 1 vagrant vagrant    0  3月 23 00:36 2016 test.txt

*第12章 td-agentのmanifestを書く [#t7723e06]

*第13章 resource typeのグルーピング - class [#uee3640e]
 $ cd /vagrant/puppet
 $ mkdir class
 $ vim td-agent.pp
 class td-agent {
  include td-agent::install
  include td-agent::config
  include td-agent::service
  -> Class['td-agent::config']
  ~> Class['td-agent::service']
 class td-agent::install{
  yumrepo { 'treasuredata':
    descr => 'treasuredata',
    name  => 'treasuredata',
    baseurl => 'http://packages.treasure-data.com/redhat/$basearch/',
    enabled => 1,
    gpgcheck => 0,
  package {'td-agent':
    ensure => installed,
    require => Yumrepo['treasuredata'],
 class td-agent::config{
  file {'/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf':
    content => template('td-agent.conf'),
 class td-agent::service{
  service {'td-agent':
    enable => true,
    ensure => running,
    hasrestart => true,
 include td-agent
 $ vim td-agent.conf
  type forward
 <match debug **>
  type stdout
 $ sudo puppet apply td-agent.pp
 $ sudo service td-agent status
 td-agent (pid  6815) is running...
 $ echo '{"hello":"puppet"}' | /usr/lib64/fluent/ruby/bin/fluent-cat debug.test
 $ cat /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log
 2016-03-31 09:33:08 +0900 debug.test: {"hello":"puppet"}

*第14章 manifestに関連するファイルをまとめる - module [#i354041b]
$ mkdir -p modules/td-agent
$ mkdir manifests
$ mkdir templates
$ vim init.pp
 class td-agent {
  include td-agent::install
  include td-agent::config
  include td-agent::service
  -> Class['td-agent::config']
  ~> Class['td-agent::service']
 $ vim install.pp
 class td-agent::install {
  yumrepo { 'treasuredata':
    name     => 'treasuredata',
    descr    => 'treasuredata repo',
    baseurl  => 'http://packages.treasure-data.com/redhat/$basearch/',
    enabled  => 1,
    gpgcheck => 0,
  package { 'td-agent':
    ensure  => installed,
    require => Yumrepo['treasuredata'],
 $ vim service.pp
 class td-agent::service {
  service { 'td-agent':
    enable     => true,
    ensure     => running,
    hasrestart => true,
 $ vim config.pp
 class td-agent::config {
  file { '/etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf':
    content => template("td-agent/td-agent.conf"),
  file {'/etc/td-agent/conf.d':
    ensure => directory,
 $ vim templates/td-agent.conf
 include conf.d/*.conf
  type forward
 # Debug
 <match debug.**>
  type stdout
 # ivent log
 <match fluent.**>
 type file
 path /var/log/td-agent/fluent.log
 # not match
 <match **>
 type file
 path /var/log/td-agent/no_match.log
 # drb
 type debug_agent
 port 24230
 $ sudo puppet apply --modulepath=. --execute 'include td-agent'

*第15章 [#n5daa7ad]

*第16章 サーバーの役割を定義するPart2 [#vfe63fb7]

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